When you work in your local system you may face problem while uploading large database.
When you face such problem you can apply below the solution for it.
By default, Xampp has database import limit is 2MB. So if you want to upload database which has size more then 2MB at that time you need to increase database max upload size. Below are the steps on how to increase database max upload size.
Increase Database import size from php.ini file.
Here are the steps how we can increase database import size.
=> Go to xampp/php/
=> Find file php.ini
=> Edit php.ini and find for upload_max_filesize ( you will find it near line no:922).
=> Update value as per your requirement.
=> Save file
=> Restart your xampp server and mysql
=> Now open phpmyadmin and now you are able to upload file more then 2MB.